A training program that changed my life.
Not everyone is a born quick learner, but they may have some potential and when trained they may became a way better version of themselves that they could have hardly imagined.
Imagine a training program that takes high school pass-outs with some vocational training and then train them so well that by the end of the training program they becomes so good of a software consultant and more of a good human being that they are as good as any engineering graduate and in most of the cases better then them.
Imagine a training program which gives you freedom to experiment more then the freedom one gets appreciated when they do so, Imagine getting appreciated when you challenge your trainer.
Imagine a training program in this money making market there trainers treat you like their own kids, they train you not to just make you a good software engineer or consultant but to also make you good human.
Imagine a program where no one gets jealous when other do better than them rather they appreciate others and gets motivated to do like them or maybe better then them, to learn from them to ask freely and also to have fun with them.
Imagine a program where you’re not just doing projects but you’re having fun with the batch playing with the mentors, going out together for dinners and lunches, when one gets some trouble of any kind everyone is keep to help, you play games at nights in training area, you watch movies together.
Imagine a program where you gets trained to become a great team player and a great leader when needed, by choosing practical methods to teach these principles and not just theoretically.
Imagine a program where even after completing, if given a choice they want to live the that life again, where seniors are so supportive and where juniors are so respectful, where mentors are like parents and batch is like a family.
Imagine mentors who dedicates their days and night to trainees always ready to support them with all there needs, they are standing to protect them against the odds, and there teaching methods are so unique that it feels like a movie fiction.
There are many more things to imagine, but I have lived though all of these, and I feel so blessed to be part of it.