Couple of months back, I was scrolling through YouTube and I found a video of “Simon Sinek” where he explains about how being an idiot helped him and others.
Basically Simon is a person who asks a lot of questions for clarification until he understand the thing well, so he tells an incident where he’s been invited to a CEO level meeting where there are a bunch of CEOs sitting together.
In the meeting things about finance and management are being explained and Simon simply don’t understand anything and pulling his hair.
After a certain point Simon simply say, “hey! sorry, I might seem stupid and slow down the meeting but I don’t understand the thing you’re explaining, you’re saying a + b = c, but according to what you’ve explained it should be a + b = d, this doesn’t make sense to me” and he request to explain it again.
Slowly other people who are sitting in the meeting asks the same questions and say we don’t understand it either.
At the back just because of the fear of being seen as an idiot they were simply nodding head without understanding the real thing.
If this idiot “Simon” wouldn’t started questioning other CEOs might have paid for some document or meeting that they don’t understand.
The idea is simple “If you don’t understand the thing ASK IT” you might seem like an idiot in starting but once you understand thing at level that you can explain the same thing to other in maybe much simpler way, you will see the difference, and you’ll realise IT’S OK TO BE AN IDIOT in long run.
So please “BE AN IDIOT” !!